The dance ends at dawn

Leilani Setyawan
3 min readAug 4, 2024


Across a ballroom’s ethereal expanse, she emerged. Her hands, like fragile petals, danced through the air as if surrendering to life. Draped in a roseate gown, her fair skin shimmered with desire. As she turned, her gown fluttered like butterfly wings, a breathtaking spectacle in the dim light. Lost in the enchanting melody of jazz, she danced as though pleading for immortality. Finally, our eyes, twin stars, ignited across the room. With each step, a drumbeat in my heart, she drew nearer. She caressed my cheek, bit her lip, and offered her hand. Ah, how could destiny be so swift, so cruel, to render me captive at first sight?

‘Do you find me pleasing to the eye?’, her lips curved into a question, a silent query. Her dimples deepened as she spoke, like twin crescents in a moonlit cove. In that moment, time seemed to paused, suspended in the enchantment of her smile. I realised that she was a lifeline to a part of myself I didn’t know existed. To lose that radiant light would be to lose a piece of my soul. With trembling hope, I offered, ‘May I have this dance?’ Her laughter, like wind chimes in a summer breeze, filled the air as she replied, ‘Consider it a wish granted.’

Dirty Dancing (1987)

We danced through the night with her body gliding across the floor. Like a startled deer, she leapt and twirled. Every pas de bourrées were like a secret language spoken between her flesh and soul. She traces the dance floor with precision like a spider weaving its web. My hands found solace at her hips, as we swayed to the jazz-infused night. The dim light cast a spell, deepening the enticement. I was in ecstasy by her presence, drift in a sea of inclination. Her hair, a fragrant cascade of night-blooming jasmine, stroked my face with each intoxicating turn.

Her gaze, twin beacons in the fading light, met mine, igniting a tempest within. She smiled, that seraphic smile, sent my heart into erratic orbit. ‘Isn’t it beautiful that we can keep this moment last by not making it forever?’, she breathed, her fingers weaving a mesmerising tapestry through my hair. Bewilderment etched itself upon my brow as I sought to decipher the enigma in her eyes. ‘Are we not entwined by love?’ I questioned, my voice a fragile whisper against the rhythm of our bodies. Her hands stilled, a sudden disconnect in the harmony of our dance.

‘Ours is a love born in rhythm, a dance beneath the starry canopy. Let us consume this night in its entirety, without the chains of tomorrow. We risk nothing by savouring this moment, do we not?’ Her hand, a guiding star, pulled me back into the blissful waltz. We twirled and turned, our bodies a symphony of movement, our souls lost in the melody of the night.

As dawn approached, her chassés move further away from me. A fleeting shadow withdrawing from the warmth of our shared dance. And, even though our paths have diverged, the memory of that night remains a cherished ember, a testament to love’s fleeting brilliance.

